Food for Thought is Trinity University’s lecture series that brings together exceptional professors, alumni, staff, and the San Antonio community to hear about topics that enrich, engage, and enlighten. Worth Repeating is Texas Public Radio’s live storytelling series that features true tales, epic adventures, and intimate revelations from the heart of San Antonio. This very special evening will include food and drinks at the fabulous South Texas-themed restaurant Carriqui at the Pearl.
The event will be moderated by Trinity University Press Assistant Director Burgin
Streetman, featuring Trinity alumni and staff (including Potluck Hospitality CEO, Elizabeth
Fauerso ’96; Trinity prospect researcher Michael Knoop; medical student Yara Samman ’18; and
photojournalist, Bria Woods ’16) who are featured in the new anthology Worth Repeating: San
Antonio Stories, published by Trinity University Press. Hilarious and challenging stories told
by some of Trinity’s brightest, it will be an evening that is puro San Antonio. Tickets available here.